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.NET and SQL Server curious cases

27.04.2024 / by Zsolt Soczó

Random thoughts and useful tips for a Zanzibar holiday

Random thoughts about Zanzibar islands and why a local guide is more valuable than you might have thought.TLDR: I wrote about my…

22.11.2023 / by Zsolt Soczó

.NET 8 vs. NET 7 performance

This is a short and non-scientific but exciting comparison of the two versions. I have a very CPU and Memory intensive financial…

18.11.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Captive Dependencies + multithreading = bugs

Virtually all medium to large applications uses some Dependency Injection technology. I assume my readers know about it; I won’t repeat the…

11.10.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Case study: optimizing a report runner from 3 hours to … a smaller number

Read the article, and I reveal the exact gain I made. :) This week I worked on two optimization tasks. They were…

09.10.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Exception handling mistakes

You have learned that you have to think about exception handling cautiously. For example, do NOT catch too broad exception types like…

26.09.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Case study: making a query 25000 times faster – Part 3 (finishing touches)

We made a query 600 times faster in the first part. Then, we optimized it more in the second part, making it…

23.09.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Hunting orphaned files in a Visual Studio solution

The old project format of Visual Studio lists all files which logically belong to that project. The file system also contains a…

19.09.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Case study: making a query 25000 times faster – Part 2

In the previous article, I showed how to speed up a query by 600 times. In this part, I’ll demonstrate how we…

20.08.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Case study: making a query 25000 times faster – Part 1

One of my clients struggled with the following query: Sometimes it was fast, and sometimes it was slow. It seemed the query…

18.07.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

The SQL Server, which thought it was a balloon – Part 2 – the root cause

In the previous part, I introduced a strange problem. A SQL Server occasionally used an excessive amount of memory, much more than…

09.07.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

The SQL Server, which thought it was a balloon – Part 1

This was a very bizarre case. An SQL Server instance unpredictably and suddenly ate all memory of the server and even more…

28.06.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

SQL Server blocking without a real reason?

My recent troubleshooting engagement was about a SQL server blocking problem. Imagine an insurance web application with large forms. The app automatically…

26.06.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Is compiling C# 10 code for .NET 4.7 possible?

I have asked this question today. Yes, it is possible. Here is the proof: As you see, I packed several C#9 and…

18.06.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

SQL Server table compression options

I wrote about a build pipeline recently. It is a multi-job DevOps server pipeline that runs integration tests in parallel. I wrote…

07.06.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

The mysterious 200ms delay

The issue described in this article was one of my most challenging cases. I solved it with my client in 2017. The…

02.06.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Where is the bug?

I just made an utterly silly logical error in this code. What is it? (This is not a performance question, this code…

26.05.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Optimizing a build pipeline

The topic of this blog entry is not a traditional code optimization where I make .NET code faster or tune SQL Server…

15.05.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

SQL Server low Plan Cache hit ratio

This is a short story about a SQL Server troubleshooting job from 2014. The Plan Cache Hit Ratio was 60%. There was…

07.05.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

Optimization Case Study: Pdf report generation

I have done many-many, very interesting .NET and SQL Server optimization work in the past 20 years. Actually, this is the most…

17.04.2022 / by Zsolt Soczó

EF Core HiLo sequence increment – it might not be what you have expected

It is not obvious, but when you use HiLo key generation strategy for EF Core, the increment of the underlying sequence should…