Could you hire me? Contact me if you like what I’ve done in this article and think I can create value for your company with my skills.

May 4, 2006 / by Zsolt Soczó

Aljas probléma, ne fussatok bele (889877)

BUG: The Submit button on ASP.NET pages does not work after you install the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

After you install the Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 1 (SP1), the Submit button on Microsoft ASP.NET pages may not work. You do not receive any error messages.
This problem occurs because client-side script files that are in the Web site are not synchronized with the .NET Framework 1.1. The PostBack event on client-side validation is stopped.

Could you hire me? Contact me if you like what I’ve done in this article and think I can create value for your company with my skills.